ITENZ Webinar: Applying for Ako Aotearoa research funding

Do you have an innovative ako-centred approach or project?

Have you considered how research could validate what you are doing?

Have you wondered about gaining research funding?

You do not need to be a researcher to apply  for funding– if you have an idea that could enhance tertiary learner success, Ako Aotearoa want to hear from you

Ako Aotearoa has funding available for research projects through their $400,000 Research and Innovation Agenda (AARIA) and is encouraging PTE participation.


Join Ako Aotearoa Regional Manager, Ruth Peterson and Marvin Wu, Programme Manager, Research and Innovation to hear more about the type of projects they are interested in and how you might be able to apply for funding, even if you are not a research organisation.

This webinar is for ITENZ members only

ITENZ Webinar: ITENZ Excellence Awards

Participating in the ITENZ Awards is an excellent way to encourage and support staff and to reflect on and recognise the contributions your organisation and your staff make.

Join Wayne Dyer (ITENZ), Ruth Peterson (Ako Aotearoa), Alan Kan (Mission Ready) and Richard Doolan (ITS) to learn more about:

  • What the ITENZ Awards are
  • What value they can add to your PTE
  • How to develop portfolios
  • How to nominate
  • Where to get support

This is an ITENZ-members-only event.

A calendar invitation with zoom link has been sent ti the main ITENZ contact in your organisation

ITENZ Webinar: Update on Code of Practice

Join Sapphire Gillard, Team Leader, Code, and Roy Rodriquez, Senior Advisor, Code for an update on NZQA’s monitoring activities over the past year.

The session will include sharing high-level insights and examples of good self-review practice and suggestions for improvement.

They will also share their recommended focus area for 2025 self-reviews centred around learner voice.

This webinar is for ITENZ members only.

ITENZ International Education Forum (IEF)

The 4th Annual IEF will feature presentations from Education New Zealand and Immigration New Zealand, a panel discussion on the importance of digital credentials in facilitating global mobility with speakers from NZ, Australia and from NZQA, our famous speed-dating session with local education agents, as well as a networking lunch. Brought to you with support from My eQuals

The forum is free for ITENZ members and $175+GST for non-members.

Register here

IEF programme





ITENZ Roadshow, Palmerston North

A key event in the PTE calendar, this is an opportunity to hear from and engage with NZQA, TEC, and Workforce Development Councils on issues that affect you. Network with other PTEs in your region. Morning tea will be provided.


Roadshows are free to ITENZ members and $90+GST to non-members.


Register here




ITENZ Roadshow, Auckland

A key event in the PTE calendar, this is an opportunity to hear from and engage with NZQA, TEC, and Workforce Development Councils on issues that affect you. Network with other PTEs in your region. Morning tea will be provided.


Roadshows are free to ITENZ members and $90+GST to non-members.


Register here



ITENZ Roadshow Christchurch



A key event in the PTE calendar, this is an opportunity to hear from and engage with NZQA, TEC, and Workforce Development Councils on issues that affect you. Network with other PTEs in your region. Morning tea will be provided.

Roadshows are free to ITENZ members and $90+GST to non-members.

Register here



ITENZ Webinar: Reflective Writing

Hear from Dr Martin McMorrow, a Learning Coordinator at The University of Notre Dame, Australia. who has previously worked at Massey University and at English language schools in NZ, Europe and South America. and who has recently published "The Student's Guide to Reflective Writing" (Bloomsbury 2024). In this webinar he will provide practical suggestions for academic managers/coordinators and tutors/teachers wishing to incorporate reflective writing into their programme.

This webinar is for ITENZ members only.

ITENZ Conference

Open to members and non-members. See the ITENZ Conference tab for more information