Jenni Pethig

Jenni Pethig

General Manager Qualifications and Assurance, Toi Mai

Jenni is passionate about working with Ngā Peka o Toi to collaboratively create accessible, flexible and credible education pathways, innovative products, and quality assurance systems that are valued by ākonga, businesses and the education sector.

In her previous role as General Manager of Learning Solutions at Skills Active, Jenni led a team assuring quality and developing standards, qualifications and resources for the recreation, sport, exercise and performing arts industries.

10:00 am - 10:45 am
Harbour View Room

Breakout Session: Workforce Development Councils Quality practises - good for learners, good for business

2:50 pm - 3:30 pm
Harbour View Room

Featured Session: Workforce Development Council panel - Future proofing industry training

3:45 pm - 4:15 pm
Orange Room

Breakout Session: Te Wao Toi Whānui (The Toi Whānui Forest) - incorporating industry voice into digital workforce training

Toi Mai Workforce Development Council has released the first vocational workforce development plan for the digital technologies sector, Te Wao Toi Whānui. The plan, developed with qualitative engagement with industry, peak bodies, and consultation with providers, and supported with quantitative data, sets out two main actions and two main recommendations which have wide implications for training, particularly PTEs, who currently teach 50% of learners in the sector. The plan highlights the lack of diversity in the sector, the need for alternative training pathways, the need for more work-based learning opportunities, and alignment with industry demand. The actions include: 1. Toi Mai will review existing qualifications and develop new products to promote opportunities for work-based learning, foundation skills and flexibility in provision. 2. Toi Mai will set progressive workforce targets and improve quality of data sources to enable workforce mapping The recommendations include: 1. Facilitate growth of a diverse workforce through work-based learning and new delivery options. 2. Improve coordination of training and industry initiatives to achieve better outcomes. The presentation will discuss the findings and insights of the plan, and how Toi Mai will engage and work with providers to incorporate the insights as technology qualifications are reviewed.

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